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Seth Speaks  by Jane Roberts Order from Amazon

Born in 1929, the author grew up in Saratoga Springs, New York, where she attended Skidmore College.  Besides writing poetry, short stories, children’s literature, novels and on metaphysics, her enormously popular non-fiction includes: The Seth Material, The Nature of Personal Reality, Nature of the Psyche and Adventures in Consciousness.  Roberts died in 1984.  Her Husband, Robert Butts is an artist and resident of Elmira, New York.

Chapter One

The Universal Consciousness, how it applies to all matter; our total dependency upon the subconscious in our physical nature; the function of the “inner ego” and the “outer ego;”  how the body cells relate to the psyche and our psychological make-up and how we ignore that relationship in our “system of reality.”

. . . you yourselves are physically composed of conscious cells that carry within themselves the realization of their own identity, that cooperate willingly to form the corporeal structure that is your physical body.

Chapter Two

The environment, work and activities of our world and that of; the role of perception on how we control our being.

Using the inner senses, we become conscious creators, co-creators.  But you are unconscious co-creators whether you know it or not.

You can learn to change your physical environment . . . by learning to change and manipulate your dream environment.

Chapter Three

The nature of the soul; creative use of play; concept of reality; formation of the body.

Chapter Four

Reincarnation dreams, plays; spiritual time; simultaneous lives; multidimensional self; the Over Soul; the inner senses; imagery exercise.

The Soul or entity is highly individualized spiritual energy.  It forms whatever being you now wear and is the motive power behind your physical survival, for from it you derive your vitality.  Consciousness can never be still but seeks further creativity.

Chapter Five

Thoughts, words, matter; four intersections of realities; consciousness as electromagnetic energy; thought –constructive and destructive.

Each thought or emotion . . . exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain conditions and, often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter.

Chapter Six

More on the nature of the soul; the state of becoming; perceived and perception; emanation exercise; the sleep state.

The ego prefers to consider itself the captain at the helm, so to speak, since it is the ego that must directly deal with the sometimes-tumultuous seas of physical reality, and  it does not want to be distracted from this task.

. . . basically, the inner portion of you, the soul-stuff, will not suddenly change its method of perception nor its characteristics after death.

Physical existence  is one way in which the soul chooses to experience its own actuality.

Chapter Seven

Soul potentials; the body “blinks” on and off; ideas of space; the super-self; true experience; multidimensional streams of consciousness; dream memory; out of body experiences.

If you have . . . a highly vivid desire to be somewhere . . . , then without realizing it consciously, a pseudophysical form, identical with your own, may appear in that very spot . . . . such an image may be perceived by those who have developed use of the inner senses.

. . . your consciousness leaves your body often in the sleep state . . . [to] communicate with people on other levels of reality . . . . you creatively maintain and revitalize your physical image [while in the sleep state].

Chapter Eight

Sleep, dreams, consciousness; time divisions; benefits of divided sleeping patterns; ill effects of sedatives; body consciousness; sleepwalking; sleep patterns and senility.

Those who “overidentify” their consciousness with their body can suffer self-created torment for no reason, lingering about the body, indeed, quite the forlorn soul, thinking it has no other place to go.

Chapter Nine

Death experience; belief and death perceptions; after death experience; spirit guides; hallucinations.

. . . an individual can be so certain that death is the end of all that oblivion, though temporary, results.

If the cells did not die and were not replenished, the physical image would not continue to exist, so now in the present, as you  know it,  your consciousness flickers about your ever-changing corporeal image.

Chapter Ten

Death Conditions in life; dream memory; ghosts and apparitions; primary and secondary constructions; service to others in the Dream State.

In the sleeping state you have memory of everyone you have ever met in your dreams, though you may or may not have met some of these people in your daytime existence.

In the dream state you learn, among other things, how to construct your own physical reality day by day, just as after death you learn how to construct your next physical lifetime.

. . . if you believe you will be met by a demon, you will create your own thought-form of one, not realizing that it is.

Chapter 11

Death and transition; choices of realities; pre-life experiences; the field of probabilities; states of heaven and hell; spiritual.

. . . you are all travelers before you begin even your first reincarnational cycle . . . . you do not have the same backgrounds, necessarily, when you enter the physical system of reality.

Ideas of good, better, best can lead you astray . . .

There is no . . . simple end to the life that you know,  [such] as the story of heaven.  There is the freedom to understand your own reality, to develop your abilities further, and to feel more deeply the nature of your own existence as a part of All That Is.

Chapter 12

Reincarnational relationships; families; love and hate; group reincarnations.

Families must be considered as gestalts of psychic activity; they have a subjective identity, of which no particular member of the group may be aware.

Only true compassion and love will lead to an understanding of the nature of good, and only these qualities will serve to annihilate the erroneous and distortive concepts of evil.

Knowing your reincarnational background, but not knowing the true nature of your present self, is useless.

Chapter 13

Reincarnation, Dreams and the hidden male and female within the self; anima, animus; body shadow layers; conception and entry; manipulators of matter.

The physical pattern of the present body, therefore, is a genetic memory of the self’s past physical forms, and of their strengths and weaknesses.

Usually between lives you choose ahead of time your children, and they choose you as parents.

The personality, for its own reasons, may decide upon choosing a body that is not esthetically pleasing.

Chapter 14

The beginning; multidimensional god; the Christ; probable gods.

God does not exist apart or separate from physical reality, but exists within it and as part of it, as he exists within and as a part of all other systems of existence.

God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through your own existence.

Chapter 15

Civilizations, probabilities, more on God; reincarnation as civilizations; earth gods; Lumania; telepathic communications; sound-powered transportation; invisible words.

Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have met crisis after crisis, have come to your point of physical development and either gone beyond it or destroyed their particular civilization.

Chapter 16

Probable systems, men and gods; probable selves; bleed-through; nature of matter; multiple presents.

All mental acts . . . are valid.  They exist and cannot be negated.

. . . your slightest thought gives birth to words.

. . . in  a most legitimate way many events that are not physically perceived or experienced are as valid as those that are and are as real within your own invisible psychological environment.

Chapter 17

Probabilities, nature of good and evil, religious symbolism; focus on evil; the Speakers; gestalt consciousness; stages of sleep; once-centered consciousness; REM; stages of consciousness.

As long as you believe in a devil . . . you will create one that is real enough for you and for the others  who continue to create him.

No soul is forever ignorant.

The feeling of falling [during sleep] is an interpretation of a sudden return of consciousness to the body.

Chapter 18

Consciousness, symbolism, multiple focus; creative joy; your body as a symbol; direct knowing; personal bank of symbols; the alpha state; symbolic inertia.

Working in one direction, the soul, using its consciousness, expresses inner reality through as many symbols as possible, through living, changing symbolism.

The thought unspoken has a “sound” that you do not hear, but that is very audible at another level of reality and perception.

Chapter 19

Alternate presents and multiple focus; A-1 side platform; inner landscape; levels of consciousness; root assumptions; alternate focus.

As your ordinary waking state perceives an entire universe of physical data, so each of these other states of consciousness perceive realities as complicated, varied and vivid.

Consciousness is an attribute of the soul, a tool that can be turned in many directions.  You are not your consciousness.  It is something that belongs to you and to the soul.

You must alter your perception to perceive any reality that is not geared practically toward material form.  This is something like looking out of the corner of your eye or mind rather than straight ahead.

Chapter 20

Questions and answers.

All That Is is not done and finished . . . is inexhaustible . . . is alive within the least of itself . . .

Illness and suffering are the results of the misdirection of creative energy.

A dog . . . is not limited to being a dog in other existences.

Since consciousness can travel faster than the speed of light, then when it is not imprisoned by the slower particles of the body it can become aware of some of those other realities.

Chapter 21

The meaning of religion; New Age in 2075; All That Is; demons and devils.

Ideas of good and evil, gods and devils, salvation and damnation, are merely symbols of outer religious values; cosmic values, if you will, that cannot be translated into physical terms.
. . . spiritual ignorance is at the basis of so many . . . problems, and . . . indeed your only limitations are spiritual ones.

. . . the ideas of good and evil help you recognize sacredness of existence, the responsibility of consciousness.

Chapter 22

Multidimensional Personality; pyramid gestalts.

. . . each of you choose life conditions that you have for your own purpose, knowing ahead of time where your weaknesses and strengths lie.

All That Is speaks to all its parts, not with sounds, trumpets and fanfare from without, but communicates its messages through the living soul stuff of each consciousness.

Chapter 23
You are not fated to dissolve into All That Is.  The aspects of your personality as you presently understand them will be retained.  All That Is is the creator of individuality, not the means of its destruction.

You are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possession of an eternal inner consciousness.  Such a consciousness is present within all living beings and in all forms.

Summary:  This impressive work lies somewhere between Edgar Cayce’s ambling double-speak and Neale Walsch’s Conversations with God.  It is written in a style easier to follow than the former but not as grand as the latter.  The core theme has to do with the multidimensional characteristics of the Soul.  Despite the few contradictions to modern thought on reincarnation, the book succeeds and, while the Christian will find the “Christ Conspiracy” extremely hard to swallow, the work is a must read for serious students of the subject.

Copyright © May, 2000 dtgosnell

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