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Kabbalah (Heb): "The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon."  All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic.

Kali:  a symbol of God in the aspect of eternal Mother Nature.

Kamaloka (Sans): The semi-material plane, to us subjective and invisible, where the disembodied "personalities," the astral forms called Kama Rupa remain until they fade out from it by the complete exhaustion of the effects of the mental impulses that created these eidolons of the lower animal passions and desires.

Kama Rupa (Sans): The subjective form created through the mental and physical desires and thoughts in connection with things of matter, by all sentient beings; a form that survives the death of its body; eidolon, astral body, spook, phantom.

Kapilavastu (Sans): The birthplace of Buddha, called the "Yellow Dwelling."

Karma: Physically, action; metaphysically, the Law of Retribution, the Law of Cause and Effect or Ethical Causation; the power that controls all things, the resultant of moral action, the metaphysical Samsara, or the moral effect of an act committed for the attainment of something which gratifies a personal desire.

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Kether (Heb): The Crown, the highest of the ten Sephiroth; the first of the supernal triad. It corresponds to the Macroprosopus, Vast Countenance, or Arikh Anpin, which differentiates into Chokmah and Binah.

Koan (JP,  pronounced ko - an; ch, kung-an: in Zen, a formulation, in baffling language, pointing to ultimate Truth.

Krishna (Sans): The most celebrated Avatar of Vishnu; he is the eighth Avatar, the son of Devaki, and the nephew of Kansa, the Indian Herod, who while seeking for him among the shepherds and cowherds who concealed him, slew thousands of their newly-born babes.

Kriya Yoga:  a technique taught by Lahiri Mahasaya, whereby the sensory tumult is stilled, permitting man to achieve an ever-increasing identity with cosmic consciousness.

Kshetragna (Sans): Or Kshetragneswara; the conscious Ego in its highest manifestation; the reincarnating Principle, or the "Lord" in us.

Kumara (Sans): A virgin boy or young celibate.

Linga Sharira (Sans): Astral body; the aerial symbol of the body; the doppelganger, or the astral body of man or animal; the eidolon, the vital prototypal body; the reflection of the man of flesh.  It is born before man and dies or fades out with the disappearance of the last atom of the body.

Logos (Grk): The manifested deity with every nation and people; the outward expression or the effect of the Cause which is ever concealed.  Thus, speech is the logos of thought; the Word.

Long Face: A Kabalistic term, Areekh Anpeen,  in Hebrew; or "Long Face;"  in Greek, macroprosopos,  as contrasted with "short face," or zeir anpeen, the  microprosopos. One relates to Deity, the other to man, the "little image of the great form."

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