Glossary-WXYZ | Free
Wisdom-Religion: The same as Theosophy. The name given to the secret doctrine which underlies every exoteric scripture and religion.
Yama (Sans): Hindu god of death.
Yoga: the ancient science of meditation on God; a school of philosophy founded by Patanjali but practiced long before that sage.
Yogi or Yogin (Sans): A devotee who practices the Yoga system. There are various grades and kinds of yogis, and the term has now become in India a generic name to designate every kind of ascetic.
Yuga (Sans): An age of the world of which there
are four, which follow each other in a series, namely: Krita (or Satya)
Yuga, the golden age; Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and finally
Yuga, the black age --in which we now are.
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Zen Master: a person of deep, awakened understanding and compassion who has integrated his understanding into his life and whose actions reflect this.
Zenobia: The Queen of Palmyra, defeated by the Emperor Aurelianus. She had for her instructor Longinus, the famous critic and logician in the third century A.D.
Zivo, Kabar (or Yukabar): The name of one of the creative deities in the Nazarene Codex.
Zohar (Heb): The "Book of Splendour," a Kabalistic work attributed to Simeon Ben Iochai, in the first century of our era.
Zoroastrian: One
who follows the religion of the Parsis, sun, or fire-worshippers.
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